Tuesday, October 27, 2009

1st Ever Playoff Game!!

Today we will be traveling down to Mason City, Iowa to take on the North Iowa Area Community College Men's Soccer Team. This game marks the 1st ever Playoff game in Iowa Lakes Men's Soccer history! As a squad we are very excited to have been placed against one of the best teams in the conference, NIACC and expect to play a very physical and tactical game. If we can get a win today we will be traveling to Des Moines, Iowa on the 31st of the month to play in the semi final round of the ICCAC playoffs.

Wear your blue and yellow today and cheer us on to a Laker Victory!!!
-Coach Jayke

Friday, October 23, 2009

Superclubs Cup!

After Jade and I made the 7 hour drive to Rockford, IL this past weekend, we were excited to watch some games! There were plenty of quality teams playing in the tournament, which made it fun despite the cold weather. We got a chance to talk with some players and coaches from WI, IL, and NE and heard some excitement from the players about our new program. We've already been following up with a couple players, so hopefully we'll see some girls from IL on our team next year!

-Jessica Cannova

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Here is a remix video of our game against Scott County Community College! This video shows what teamwork and possession of the ball can make the opposing team look like. I hope you enjoy it :)

Monday, October 19, 2009

Happy "Boss Day"....Great Assistants Makes It Fun....

Talk about waking you up in the morning! Last week was "Boss's Day" and we joked around about it at that time. This morning at 7am when I walked inot the office...this is what I got to walk into!
There is nothing better than beginning a college soccer program when you have a wonderful team of coaches that are working toward the same goals that you are! That's what we have here at Iowa Lakes Community College!
I am very fortunate to have two amazing assistant coaches who love what they are doing! They take pride and ownership in this program just as I asked them to do when we brought them onboard.
Coach Jessica Cannova is doing an outstanding job with recruiting and individual training with the girls that are here! Coach Jayke Vallette has worked so hard to help get me through this first season making sure everything is ready to go on gamedays and basically doing any task I put him up to. I appreciate you two more than you will ever know! Keep up the good work.
As for the season...we have had our ups and downs for sure! Due to injuries the season isn't going how we had hoped 100%...but, we all realize that it is a process and we are not building for a one year success...we are building a successful program and we all know that it takes years, not just months.
The process always begins with a good team of coaches and we definitely have that here at Iowa Lakes Community College!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Changing of the Seasons

While the seasons are changing outside our focus on the field has stayed the same. Our Men's squad has been training through the rain, snow, sleet, cold, wind and everything else that Mother Nature can possibly throw at us. It has been an exciting snow fall for a few of our players, as they have never seen snow before!

Just this last week Coach Farley made it over to the State Tournament in South Dakota to do some recruiting for next year. The trip went very successful and we have been in contact with a few players all over the state! With only three games left in our season we are preparing for the Playoffs and trying to get everyone healthy. Keep cheering us on! and we will keep playing our best!
p.s. check back soon for a new team video!!
-Jayke Vallette

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Snow brings training indoors!

Like some of the midwest has experienced already, Spencer recieved it's first snowfall last week, encouraging the Women's team to start their indoor training early. For some women on our team (Karen Sosa, and Clarictza Mendoza), it was the first time they have seen snow, being from the South! It really was perfect timing since we recieved the YMCA memberships for both teams just two weeks ago. So far they have been working on a variety of cardio, plyometrics, stretching, agility, and strength training that has been fun and challenging. They have also held pick-up futsal and wallyball games in the racketball courts to work on speed of play. We are looking forward to our newest recruit, Shayla Silva from Alaska to be joining our workouts in January when she moves to ILCC!

This weekend, one of our 2010 women players, Jade Martin, will be traveling with me to Rockford, IL for the Superclubs Cup on a recruiting trip. Hopefully the weather holds up and we can talk with some quality girls for next year. Stay tuned for pictures and updates next week about the trip!
-Jessica Cannova
Asst. Women's Coach

Friday, October 2, 2009

Women Lakers 2010!

Well it has been quite a whirlwind the past couple months! Recruiting for the 2010 Women’s team has taken the coaches to IA, MN, SD, NE and IL already with plans to travel to GA, TX, AR, KS. It’s been a very exciting time looking forward to the upcoming season and making plans for the girls to get applied and move in.

We have now 5 women (soon to be 6 in the spring) that are attending ILCC currently and are getting a head start on training for next year. We just partnered up with the YMCA and purchased memberships for both teams, which will be an exciting start to the off-season lifting program. We also plan to get the women involved with the indoor soccer facility to build their speed of play on the quick indoor surface. The women already here have been amazing, attending and helping out with all the home games, traveling to most games away for the men’s team. They have been a tremendous support for them, which has really created and developed the family atmosphere in the ILCC soccer program.

It’s really hard to wait for the inaugural season for the Women with the jerseys, warm-ups, backpacks, and coats already here waiting for players to wear them, but we get excited with each day getting closer to our 2010 season!

Catch updates, pictures, recruiting schedules on our Facebook Women’s Fanpage!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Become a Fan!

Here is a highlight video of our Iowa Lakers taking on Indian Hills Community College! If you like what you see you can become a personal fan of Manuel "The Magician" Martinez on facebook by searching: venado 19 manuel martinez. Also make sure to add the Assistant Men's Soccer coach by searching: Jacob Vallette

I hope that you enjoy the video!